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How to Tell a Great Story with Your Marketing Efforts

Your products and services are only as good as the stories you tell. Your marketing materials have the power to educate your customers, pull at their heartstrings, tell a compelling story and so much more. Even with the best products, the way you position them can make a huge difference in your success. If storytelling isn’t your strong suit—have no fear! These storytelling tips will help you craft content that converts. 


Be human.

We’re all human… so write like it! It’s easy to get wrapped up in technical speak and jargon when writing marketing materials and communications. Next time you’re feeling like you aren’t sure if your writing sounds conversational, try reading what you wrote out loud. Does it sound like how you would talk in real life? If not, it’s time to go back to the drawing board. Remember that you’re simply trying to appeal to other people who you hope will find your storytelling relatable. With big words and jargon, they may turn away instead.


Focus on the problem.

We know what you may be thinking. “But…isn’t focusing on a problem negative?” Not in this case! To tell a great story in your marketing efforts, focus on the problem your business solves. Start by discussing the nuances of what frustrates your customers. Then, segue into how you help solve the problem. Focusing on the problem at hand helps establish a connection with your audience and a sense of relatability.


Use testimonials.

People trust other people. That’s why testimonials are a great way to tell a story through the eyes of somebody who has already made a purchase. Look at your online reviews to see if there are any that contain stories about how your products or services have helped customers. Make sure to ask for permission before using them in your marketing materials if you want to include names. 


Keep it simple.

It’s time to take out your red editing pen! Did you tell your story in a concise way? Are there run-on sentences? Did you use the least amount of compelling words? In a world where attention spans are short, make sure to keep your stories simple and to the point.


Know your audience.

One story may not appeal to all audiences. Consider who you’re selling to and what may resonate best. Is it a serious, straightforward story? Maybe it’s something silly that will make them laugh. Or, maybe they would respond best to a story that pulls at their heartstrings. The best way to find out is to test different materials with different audiences until you get it right.


Stories are at the heart of all marketing. You could have the best product, but without storytelling, it may not reach its sales potential. Remember to use a conversational tone, utilize customer feedback and testimonials, focus on the problem you’re here to solve and know your audience. With these guiding principles, you’re on your way to storytelling success.

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